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Suttons Primary

Suttons Primary School

Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary

We will be your favourite story....



"Attendance is well above average, reflecting
pupils' great enjoyment of school."


Absence from School

At Suttons we pride ourselves on excellent attendance as this supports pupil's good progress.  If for any reason your child is absent from school due to illness, we would ask that you notify us by completing the Reporting an Absence Form in full, giving your child's name and class, explaining the reason for their absence.  An absence notification is essential otherwise an unauthorised absence will be recorded.

Where feasible medical appointments should be made outside school hours, however if your child has a medical or dental appointment, please inform the class teacher in advance.  If the appointment takes place during the school day, please ensure that you or someone nominated by you, collects your child as we do not allow children out of school unaccompanied.  The adult collecting the child should report to the school office on arrival and sign your child out when they leave the premises.

Please refer to the school Attendance Policy or speak to the office if you have any queries regarding absence. 

Leave of Absence

Due to the importance of children receiving a full entitlement to their education, holidays are actively discouraged during term time. Absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.

At Suttons no more than three days of absence will be authorised per school year for exceptional circumstances and only then, if progress and attendance hitherto have been good (e.g. with attendance at 95% and above). Each request for an absence will be considered individually by the headteacher.

The Local Authority has advised the school of the following guidelines:-

  • Each request for term time absence will be looked at individually. However, time off for family holidays is not an entitlement and will not be authorised.
  • The school may, in exceptional circumstances, agree absences from school if they feel the circumstances warrant it e.g. for service personnel & when a family needs to spend time together at a time of crisis

Exceptional absence within school time will not include reasons such as the availability of cheap holidays.

The Education Welfare Officer monitors attendance and penalty notices may be issued by the Local Authority if absence is unauthorised.

Related Links:

          Persistent Absence Threshold Information
          Attendance Policy
          Term Time Leave Request Form