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Suttons Primary

Suttons Primary School

Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary

We will be your favourite story....

Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education PSHE (Inc RSHE)

PSHE at Suttons prepares children for the next chapter of their lives. The impact of the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme will develop emotionally literate and inquisitive children whose thirst for learning will help them achieve their goals. Pupil voice is an integral part of personal development which is promoted across PSHE. As a result, the children will leave with a better understanding of themselves, their peers and the world around them.

RSHE is taught across years 1-6 through age-appropriate content. RSHE helps the children to develop an understanding of relationships, themselves as individuals and the world around them. 

British Values are interwoven within all aspects of our school days. We have a school culture which promotes equality where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities. Our school rules and values lead to a happy, safe and secure environment for pupils to learn and thrive.

Our Social Scientists

The children develop their knowledge in PSHE through the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme. 

There are 6 pieces to the Jigsaw puzzle.
These units are:
    * Being Me in My World
    * Celebrating Differences
    * Dreams and Goals
    * Healthy Me
    * Relationships
    * Changing Me

These units provide a holistic approach to PSHE which aims to develop the children’s knowledge and skills in a wide range of everyday situations. The children have opportunities to discuss and collaborate with their peers which helps to deepen understanding.

The ‘Changing Me’ unit covers RSHE which is taught across years 1-6.

PSHE teaches our pupils the skills and knowledge needed to develop fully as individuals and as members of society. 

We aim to give the pupils the knowledge and social skills to take care of themselves and to form positive relationships in our ever-changing society.

Enrichment Opportunities:  
We bring PSHE to life through themed activities such as anti-bullying week and children’s mental health week.

We effectively identify the needs in our school community and provide workshops and lessons to address these situations. For example, road safety workshops, religious celebration assemblies and specialised lessons. 

Through cross-curricular activities, assemblies and many other enrichment opportunities, the pupils develop an understanding of individual beliefs which results in pupils showing respect towards others

Curriculum Planning

We want our children to have emotional literacy and an awareness of their own thoughts and feelings to transfer into other areas of their life. We use the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme to help children to develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their peers and the world. We understand PSHE is an integral part of the curriculum and important in developing the child as a whole. PSHE at Suttons  will promote the sense of wonder that children have and aim to inspire the children in the page turning adventure.

◊ PSHE 3I's: Intent, Implementation & Impact
◊ PSHE Skills Progression
◊ PSHE Long term Plan