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Early Years
At Suttons, it is our belief that the Early Years Foundation Stage is essential for building the foundations for lifelong learning. We aim to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where all children are encouraged to reach their full potential.

Guiding Principals
The early years are a time of ‘awe and wonder’ as children discover, explore and try out new things. The children will develop positive attitudes towards learning as they are provided with a broad, balanced, relevant and creative curriculum. Our story-based curriculum will set in place firm foundations for further learning and development in Key Stage 1 and beyond.
Our Provision
We follow the EYFS Statutory Framework which outlines seven areas of learning and whilst they are interconnected overall, they are split into two groups:
Prime Areas
◊ Personal, Social and Emotional Development
◊ Communication and Language
◊ Physical Development
The prime areas are seen as the fundamental building blocks for healthy development and are seen as essential for future learning.
Specific Areas:
◊ Literacy
◊ Mathematics
◊ Understanding the world
◊ Expressive arts and design
The specific areas of learning help to provide children with knowledge and skills to support their transition to school.
Our curriculum provides a play-based and experiential learning environment, coupled with focussed teaching and basic skills. Children are provided with opportunities to engage in planned, focussed activities as well as child-initiated and free flow activities through our indoor and outdoor provision.
2 Year Olds
Unit Overview
Development Matters
Application Form
3-4 Year Olds
Unit Overview
Development Matters
Application Form
4-5 Year Olds
Unit Overview
Development Matters
The waiting list will close on 15th February 2025 and places for September 2025 will be offered out during March and April 2025.