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Suttons Primary

Suttons Primary School

Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary Life at Suttons Primary

We will be your favourite story....


As one of the core subjects at primary level, we give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it deserves.  Our aim at Suttons is to provide children with an engaging and enriched curriculum which we hope will lead to our children growing up understanding the possibilities of a future in STEM and the breadth of careers available within the science fields.

Our Scientists

Children will build on their previous knowledge and scientific skills (including both scientific inquiry and working scientifically) that have been taught in previous years. We hope this will develop our children into critical thinking individuals fostering their resilience to drive their own learning forward.

Our lessons involve a range of enquiry skills that involve working scientifically, including testing, observing and recording data. Children use a range of methods to test their predictions, as well as reviewing secondary sources and taking their previous learning into account; from this they are able to make new discoveries and present their findings in a variety of ways.

Enrichment Opportunities:  
Our engagement with the local environment ensures that children learn through varied and first hand experiences. 

Our curriculum is further enhanced through various workshops, trips and interaction with experts including: Science Week, School trips, visits to the country park, effective use of ICT (ChromeBooks), theme days and so much more. We hope that children leave Suttons with the understanding that science has changed our lives and that it is vital for the world’s future.

Curriculum Planning

Our science curriculum is in line with national curriculum objectives and aims to provide our children with the skills and knowledge to become scientific thinkers. Our lessons include a range of theoretical and practical elements which consolidate the children's learning and extend their questioning skills; this engages them and pushes them to want to learn more!

◊ Science 3I's: Intent, Implementation & Impact
◊ Science Skills Progression
◊ Science Long term Plan