School Governance
The Governing Body

Suttons Primary School Governing Body supports the school and the Headteacher. We ensure that the school has clear aims and values that are championed by the whole school community. All the work we do has pupil achievement and progress and school improvement at its heart. We work with the Headteacher and staff in raising expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning so that every pupil achieves to the best of his or her ability.
When do we meet and how do we work?
Our full Governing Body meets at least once and sometimes twice a term. In order to delegate and share the responsibilities of the Governing Body effectively, we have three sub-committees which meet separately from the full Governing Body once every half term. These sub-committees are:
Resources (which includes Finance, Personnel and Premises);
Teaching and Learning (Curriculum, Quality of learning & teaching and Assessment);
Pay (Performance Management and Appraisal).
Every Governor at Suttons takes on a Link governor role which allows individuals to focus on a key area in school, for example, literacy, numeracy, ICT or Health & Safety. Link Governors get to know one area of the school in more detail and report from each link area enabling the Governing Body to learn more about the school and provide information which supports strategic decisions around school improvement.
To get in contact with us please use the Contact Governors link at the side of the page.